Monday, February 11, 2013

Chapter 2: Hello

Leaving the trailer park behind me wasn't exactly difficult, but in starting any journey there is some measure of uncertainty.  I had my dream, and my plans, and some money to start - but I did not yet have all the pieces in place.  I took a taxi deep into the heart of town, and then began walking.

My first stop was the enlistment office.  I knew that it was the one place that a fresh young adult male could find gainful employment, regardless of the economy.  I had money for now, but I would be needing more.  Besides, a soldier always has a roof over their head, and I would need that too.

On my way out the door, a young woman crossed my path.  She was dressed smartly, in a dark gray skirt and a dusky lilac colored jacket cut to a business style.  Her hair was long, a darkish brown that looked as if it were once black and then bleached in the sun.  Her velvety brown skin was smooth and flawless, with eyes that very nearly matched her coloring exactly.   She glanced my direction and smiled, the action seeming to light up her face from within.  I do not recall if I had ever seen something so lovely in my life up to that point.

And she was walking past me.

I stood where I was for a moment, gathering my senses, wondering if I should let her continue on.  At once it was decided, and I called out to her, jogging a few steps in her direction.  She paused and then turned, glancing back over her shoulder.

I stopped in front of her, trying not to seem desperate.  I could only think of one word.  "Hello."

"Hello." she replied, and then laughed softly afterward.

"My name is Aspen." I managed, wishing that I had the vocabulary of Shakespeare at my disposal with which to woo her.  I was certain I sounded like an idiot.

"Hello, Aspen."  Another smile.  Her eyes were lovely.  I imagined myself sinking into them, and I found myself only able to concentrate on the short distance between us.  The woman had reduced me to a stumbling idiot, incapable of speech.  She laughed again, along with the sound of a whistle somewhere in the distance.

Then she walking away.

I watched her walk, high heels clacking on the concrete sidewalk and mingling with the sounds of a nearby water fountain.  Soon she would be out of sight.  I was confused - she seemed friendly, and that smile... did she always smile like that?  I couldn't let her just walk away.  Could I?

"Wait!  Can I at least have your name?"  I called after her.  This time, she smiled back over her shoulder but she did not pause.

Then, she was gone.

Skip to:  Chapter 3

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